Grodno State Medical University
Commenced in the year 1775 and is situated in Belarus. Grodno State Medical University is regarded as one of the first institution in Belarus offering higher education studies in the field of medicine.
Commenced in the year 1775 and is situated in Belarus. Grodno State Medical University is regarded as one of the first institution in Belarus offering higher education studies in the field of medicine.
Is gaining popularity as it is acknowledged by 2 of worldwide recognized Councils namely World Health Organization (WHO), Medical Council of India (MCI) and other international groups.
came into existence in the year 1930 and is known for specialization in 2 fields of Medicine namely General Medicine and Dentistry. Belarusian State Medical University is one of the foremost medical universities
established in the year 1934 and is known as the most eminent medical universities in whole of Belarus. Vitebsk State Medical University is acknowledged for offering training to numerous medical aspirants