Nursing Job Career in Austria
Nursing Job Career in Austria is safe and sustainable for the registered nurses of India. It features continuous work experience, periodic renewal, the security that comes from employability, and a harmonious fit with your skills, interests and values. If you have completed your nursing education in Austria or have a diploma from abroad which is recognized in Austria, you can knock the door of your bright future of nursing profession in Austria. Qualified Nurses from non-EU countries can apply for a Red-White-Red Card. According to the WIFO (Austria Institute of Economic Research), there will be the shortage of nursing staff in Austria by 2030. The authorities of Health Industry are working strategically to make the Nursing Profession demanding and in line with the need of the healthcare industry. In view of their present and future requirements of nurses, Austria is also paying attention to attract nurses from abroad. Bachelor Degree is the highest level of education for nursing job in Austria.
The most common places of Austria where large number of opportunities for nursing job can be expected are;
Vienne (Capital City), Graz, Linz, Innsbruck, Villach, Klagenfurt, Salzburg etc.
Nursing Job Career in Austria: Types of Job
Full Time Job
Part Time Job
Temporary Job
Night Shift
Day Shift
Internship Job
Healthcare Job
Nursing Job Career in Austria: Salary
The average salary for a registered nurse in Austria ranges between €45,817 and €80,000 per year.
However, registered nurses will earn more money by the virtue of their experience as per the strategy of health industry. The annual national salary increase in Austria for a nurse is 6% of total salary.
Rewards in terms of bonus and promotion to the nurses for efficient work and proper service provider are also a part of the strategic plan of the health industry in Austria. The bonus of a nurse in Austria ranges from 0 to 3% of a nurse’s total salary.
Basic Requirements to apply for Nursing Job in Austria
Birth Certificate
Tabular CV
Minimum age- 17 years
Diploma in nursing (must be acquired either in Austria or recognized by Austria)
Medical Certificate as an evidence of health suitability
Evidence of Trustworthiness from police certificate
Knowledge of German Language Level B2 or higher
Why Nursing Job Career in Austria?
High Employability
Easy to get Residence Permit
Good Salary
Flexible Working Hours
Flexibility for Life and Family
Job security
Social Security
Good Health Insurance
Sick Leave
Number of Paid Holidays is high (25 days per year)
Maternity/ Parental Leave
In Austria nurses are called as:
Krankenschwester (female nurse)
Krankenpfleger (male nurse)
Nursing Job Career in Austria: Highlights at a Glance
VISA to Work in Austria
Non-EU citizens must have to apply for a residence permit called RWD card.
One can apply for this RWD card, only after the nostrification of one’s diploma or degree and one must have a job offer from the employer.
Required Language Skills
To pursue nursing job in Austria one has to acquire B1 or B2 level German Language proficiency.
Age Limitation
There is no age limitation to apply for nursing job in Austria. As long as you are able to provide proper services as per the requirement of heath sectors, you are allowed to utilize the scope of your professional activities.
Place to Work
Various hospitals, homes for elderly care, clinics etc.
RED-WHITE-RED CARD (Rot-Weiss-Rot Karte)
To be a qualified worker and citizen of Austria, you need the Red-White-Red Card. Your family also can apply for this card. Its validity is for 1 year.
Ria Oversees has always been a greater source of career guidance for study and job in abroad. For detailed information contact our expert consultants.